Trinity Presbyterian Church
Church Announcements
for the week of Feb. 7th - Feb. 14th
(Information contained in the announcements is generally updated weekly by Thursday at 5pm (prior to the earlier Friday date listed above).
To help you stay current with church news & information, please subscribe to Trinity's Friday Church News Blast and read your Pathways monthly church newsletter.
Contact the office to subscribe to the Friday News Blast and the Sunday Blast.
10AM Worship Service
Feb. 9thnd, 2025
Please Welcome
Transitional Pastor
Reverend Edwin DuBose
Sermon: TBA (coming soon)
Related readings: TBA
11AM - Fellowship
2024 Donation Statements - Pick up in church office
(Worship Services are viewable in person & on Youtube)
Biography - Reverend Edwin DuBose
The Trinity Session is pleased to announce that the Reverend Edwin DuBose has begun his work as Transitional Pastor with us as of February 1st. He preached his first sermon on Sunday, February 2nd and returns this Sunday, Feb. 9th.
Reverend DuBose is ordained by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) which is a partner to our denomination, the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). He has extensive training and experience in transitional ministry, also known as interim ministry and will help us find our Pathway to the Future. Please take some time to welcome him and introduce yourself and your family.
Ladies Lunch - Thur., Feb. 13th
The Tavern (Note: This is a new/changed location as Machine Shed is closed), 11:30AM
Please RSVP to reserve a seat. RSVP's due by Sunday, Feb 9th to Susan Rooney or Jane Williams. We hope you can join us!
Sunday School Teachers Needed 3rd Sundays Monthly:
Pick a Sunday that works for you! The classes will meet one time per month (2 volunteers needed for each class session) There will be 12 total classes. A sign up sheet is located in the office. The lesson material will be provided to you. Thank you for helping everyone! This wonderful opportunity to engage with our hopeful & faith filled youth. See upcoming open slots below:
Sunday School Volunteer Teachers:
FEB: 1. -Miriam J. 2. Gayle S. (Thank you Gayle and Miriam!)
Help is still needed for Mar, Apr, May, June, July & Aug: 1-2 open slots each month.
2025 Pledge Cards
Options for Submitting Your Pledge Card
Call it in
Email the office
Drop off the card at the office
(extra cards available at Trinity if needed.)
New Children’s Worship Bags, Bibles and Worship Trees with Hooks in Sanctuary
New children's Bibles and worship bags are available for use during worship services at Trinity. They are filled with quiet activities like coloring pages, small puzzles, Bible story booklets, and more!" The bags are designed to provide quiet activities for children to do during church services, particularly during sermons, to help them focus and stay engaged. They are for children ages 3 and up. Please use supervision. Return the Bibles to the pew backs when finished and the worship bags to the Worship bag trees.
Upcoming Trinity Meetings
CCMT/Deacon Meeting: Meets FEB 11, 10AM. (CCMT/Deacons meet on even months at 10am).
Committees Meeting: FEB 13th, 6 & 7 PM ***Meeting minutes are always due by the Monday following your meeting.
Stated Session Meeting: FEB 27 at 7PM at Trinity.
Subscribe to the Friday Blast!
Trinity emails congregants every Friday with important reminders. If you have not directly subscribed to the Blast, you are not yet on the email list. Contact the office to sign up the email address that you would like to authorize the church to send it to.
Congregational Directory
Trinity updates the contacts in the directory as changes come in, but prints new copies and uploads updates every month or so. If you have any household updates, or would like to submit a directory photo, please contact the church office. Note: The information in the directory is for Trinity family usage only. All listings in the directory are there for your convenience. Not every listing is that of an official "member," as some are regular attendees, frequent visitors or even relatives of the congregation. Please contact the office with your current info. Thank you. Feel free to contact the office at any time to verify a current address within your printed directory. Copies are available in the office.
ACLO (After Church Lunch Outing) 3rd Sundays Monthly
Join your Trinity friends after the worship service every 3rd Sunday. The group selects a place to gather for fellowship, friends, & food!
Men's Breakfast- 1st & 3rd Saturdays!
All men of Trinity are invited to Men's Breakfast Join us in Trinity's fellowship hall on the 1st and the 3rd Saturdays each month. The hours are 8-9:30 am. Please let Tom Rooney know if you are interested or if you have questions.
2nd Friday each month is Game Night!
Join your Trinity friends for Game Night FUN! Game night is generally the 2nd Friday of the month (unless otherwise announced). If you have a favorite game, suggest it or simply bring it along to the gathering! Gather at the Freeman or Hoekstra home. Stephanie H. with questions. Please note: Covid vaccinations are required for in person game playing.
Trinity QR Code For Giving
You can now give to Trinity Presbyterian Church by using Trinity’s QR Code! Either scan the barcode with your smartphone or scan it with "QR Code Reader" (phone application). It's convenient, secure and fast. You can go to the giving page on the website to learn more. Thank you.
Trinity's Welcome Bags for Visitors
Did you know that Trinity has welcome bags to present to visitors on Sundays? If you notice a new face or new family, please present them with a welcome bag from the cupboard in the office. The cupboard is labeled "Visitor Bags"
Let Your light shine! Join the CCMT/Deacons
Hello from your Deacons and Care Partners! Have you considered how you might be helpful at Trinity? At the same time have you been reluctant to volunteer because you are not able to commit to something long-term? Let's talk! We are looking for members to serve as Care Partners, often on a one-time basis. James 1:17 tells us every gift is from God. We all have different talents and God-given gifts. They are all important and can be used to serve God’s kingdom. For more information speak with one us; Kathie Wilkinson, Jane Willison, Jane Williams, Gayle Strand, Katharine Upson, and Trinity's newest CCMT's; Miriam Johnson and Althea Hofer! You will hear more about Miriam and Althea in upcoming Pathways newsletters. Stay tuned! If interested, contact one of us. We would love to share the possibilities with you! Let your light shine!
-Your Trinity Deacons & Care Partners (CCMT)
Kathie Wilkinson, Jane Willison, Althea Hofer, Miriam Johnson, Gayle Strand and Katharine Upson
Are you getting Trinity's Church text alerts?
Trinity texts all congregants 2x per month with important reminders. If you have not told Trinity to add your phone #, you are not yet on the list. Contact the office to sign up!